This is still experimental, see examples.

  cacheRepo = getOption("reproducible.cachePath"),
  checksumsFileID = NULL,
  cloudFolderID = NULL,
  delete = TRUE,
  upload = TRUE,
  download = !delete,
  ask = getOption("reproducible.ask"),
  cacheIds = NULL,



See x in showCache()


A google file ID where the checksums data.table is located, provided as a character string.


A googledrive dribble of a folder, e.g., using drive_mkdir(). If left as NULL, the function will create a cloud folder with name from last two folder levels of the cachePath path, : paste0(basename(dirname(cachePath)), "_", basename(cachePath)). This cloudFolderID will be added to options("reproducible.cloudFolderID"), but this will not persist across sessions. If this is a character string, it will treat this as a folder name to create or use on GoogleDrive.


Logical. If TRUE, the default, it will delete any objects that are in cloudFolderID that are absent from local cacheRepo. If FALSE, it will not delete objects.


Logical. If TRUE, the default, it will upload any objects identified by the internal showCache(...) call. See examples. If FALSE, then no files will be uploaded. Can be used in conjunction with delete to create behaviours similar to clearCache and keepCache.


Logical. If FALSE, the default, then the function will either delete the remote copy if delete = TRUE and there is no local copy, or upload the local copy if upload = TRUE and there is a local copy. If TRUE, then this will override delete, and download to local machine if it exists remotely.


Logical. If FALSE, then it will not ask to confirm deletions using clearCache or keepCache. Default is TRUE


If supplied, then only this/these cacheId objects will be uploaded or deleted. Default is NULL, meaning do full sync (i.e., match cloudFolder with local cacheRepo, constrained by delete or upload)


Passed to showCache to get the artifacts to delete.


cloudSyncCacheOld will remove any entries in a cloudCache that are not in a