on Windows and rsync
on Linux/macOSR/cache-helpers.R
This is replacement for file.copy
, but for one file at a time.
The additional feature is that it will use robocopy
(on Windows) or
on Linux or Mac, if they exist.
It will default back to file.copy
if none of these exists.
If there is a possibility that the file already exists, then this function
should be very fast as it will do "update only", i.e., nothing.
from = NULL,
to = NULL,
useRobocopy = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE,
delDestination = FALSE,
create = TRUE,
silent = FALSE
from = NULL,
to = NULL,
useRobocopy = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE,
delDestination = FALSE,
create = TRUE,
silent = FALSE
The source file.
The new file.
For Windows, this will use a system call to robocopy
which appears to be much faster than the internal file.copy
Uses /MIR
flag. Default TRUE
Passed to file.copy
Logical, whether the destination should have any files deleted,
if they don't exist in the source. This is /purge
for robocopy and –delete for
Passed to checkPath
Should a progress be printed.
This function is called for its side effect, i.e., a file is copied from
to to
tmpDirFrom <- file.path(tempdir(), "example_fileCopy_from")
tmpDirTo <- file.path(tempdir(), "example_fileCopy_to")
tmpFile1 <- tempfile("file1", tmpDirFrom, ".csv")
tmpFile2 <- tempfile("file2", tmpDirFrom, ".csv")
dir.create(tmpDirFrom, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(tmpDirTo, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
f1 <- normalizePath(tmpFile1, mustWork = FALSE)
f2 <- normalizePath(tmpFile2, mustWork = FALSE)
t1 <- normalizePath(file.path(tmpDirTo, basename(tmpFile1)), mustWork = FALSE)
t2 <- normalizePath(file.path(tmpDirTo, basename(tmpFile2)), mustWork = FALSE)
write.csv(data.frame(a = 1:10, b = runif(10), c = letters[1:10]), f1)
write.csv(data.frame(c = 11:20, d = runif(10), e = letters[11:20]), f2)
copyFile(c(f1, f2), c(t1, t2))
#> /tmp/RtmpgIZ9bl/example_fileCopy_from/file1208c2713abb9.csv
#> "/tmp/RtmpgIZ9bl/example_fileCopy_to/file1208c2713abb9.csv"
#> /tmp/RtmpgIZ9bl/example_fileCopy_from/file2208c1355fd1a.csv
#> "/tmp/RtmpgIZ9bl/example_fileCopy_to/file2208c1355fd1a.csv"
file.exists(t1) ## TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
file.exists(t2) ## TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
identical(read.csv(f1), read.csv(f2)) ## FALSE
#> [1] FALSE
identical(read.csv(f1), read.csv(t1)) ## TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
identical(read.csv(f2), read.csv(t2)) ## TRUE
#> [1] TRUE